Alkalign Studio

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search Engine Rankings

The following report is updated daily for your Search Engine Rankings across Google, Bing, and Yahoo Search. There are 10 search engine ranking placements per page. For example, a keyword that is ranking 3 will mean the 3rd placement down on the 1st page. A keyword ranking of 13 will be the 3rd place down from the top of the 2nd page. Search Engine algorithms tend to bounce your placement of keywords in their search index periodically based the performance of your website and that of your competitors. Overall, our goal is long-term improvements across your keywords to maximize the visibility of your business online. The keywords listed below do not encompass all of the keywords you may be ranking for. Rather, these are keywords listed that we are focusing on tracking. If you have additional keywords you would like us to track or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us and schedule a strategy call.



Meetings Scheduled by Appointment Only
M-F 9am - 5pm ET

(616) 965-6972
6660 Old 28th Street SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

Looking for a Search Ranking Boost & More Leads?

Let's schedule a strategy call!