Lauren Verlinde

Lauren Verlinde is the Video Production & Social Media Coordinator at 616 Marketing Group. She plays a key role in bringing fresh and engaging content to life, combining her skills in video production and social media management to enhance brand visibility and...

Nicole Hardesty

UX Design & Brand Strategy Nicole is a UX Design & Brand Strategy expert at 616 Marketing Group, where she focuses on creating seamless user experiences and developing compelling brand strategies for clients across a wide range of industries. With a deep...

Lavon Martin

SEO & Website Support [Photo coming soon] Lavon is an SEO & Website Support Coordinator at 616 Marketing Group. Dedicated to enhancing customer experience after web design project launches were ongoing website optimization and maintenance is needed. He serves...
Google My Business Purge of 2020

Google My Business Purge of 2020

Was your Google My Business listing recently suspended or shut down? Over the weekend of 2/14/20 – 2/16/20 Google put in place a massive crack down on spam listings and fake addresses. Unfortunately, despite those good intentions we are seeing chatter online...